Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Puppy Bowl

His name is Justin, and he's single, cute, and available. I recently attended an Animal Planet shoot entitled "Puppy Bowl". Now, for those of you who are out of the know, "Puppy Bowl" is one of Animal Planet's widest watched programs of the year. It airs concurrently during the superbowl.... a bold idea when one considers the amount superbowl ads cost each year, (the more people watching i.e. ratings, the more the network can charge for ad spots.)

I showed up on monday morning not knowing really what to expect. My producer had just told me that I was going to be a PA (production assistant), which usually involves anything from helping out on set, lighting, changing batteries, giving various input, to what I ended up doing, shooting a scene by myself.


Sarah said...

Awww!!! Cute! And I see you got a Puppy Bowl Tee Shirt to boot! I can't wait to see it! Forget the Superbowl...we're watching the puppy bowl!!

Anonymous said...

You'll both be TV stars! on superbowl Sunday! Dad

Anonymous said...

I see a puppy for you in your future. love, mom