Monday, February 09, 2009

bill o'reilly

As is the case when prominent news worthy or politically relevant happenings occur, I often choose to flip over to the Fox News network's commentary that immediately follows any such event.

The usual flare is hosted by Bill O'reilly this evening as the conservative leaning network gave its two cents on the first Obama Press Conference.

'No one knows" is Bill O'reilly's favorite phrase, using this conveniently anytime that Bill disagrees with, well, anything, and has nothing to back up the claim. Case in point; Obama responded to a question from a reporter about whether the stiumulus bill was needed by stating that its certain politicians who are bashing this for political reasons, then quoted top economists, from the Bush admin, Clinton admin, and now who are all giving their support for this package. Bill responds to this by just saying, "Well, I don't know if this is needed, nobody knows if this is neede. No one knows!"

He has the audacity to send out so called "No Spin" text alerts, as if somehow Bill's incessant bashing constitutes the usage and veracity of a cell phone text message called 'no spin'

Bill has some kind of conspiracy he is pushing where he believes that Obama is trying to overplay the seriousness of the current economic downfall solely to bolster his own image.

In a question and answer with Alan Colmes, Bill repeatedly kept referring to any comment President Obama made about any statistic, and passing it off with a 'no one knows' and a snippet of how Obama is just ramping up the seriousness of the situation so that when he fixes it he looks all the better.

O'reilly finishes the show with emails to him from his fans and his enemies, but never forgets to include one from someone referring to a book that he wrote or is pushing currently.

Hardly a news show, the O'reilly factor is pure slanderous, self promoting putrescence.

and here's a little something to take it home....

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